Baku, the City of Winds, is a fascinating and impressive city located on the Caspian Sea. From its mix of...
Egypt is without a doubt one of the most popular bucket-list countries, and designing a 10 day itinerary in this...
Admittedly, I had never considered visiting Baku, Azerbaijan. It wasn’t until we were in Tbilisi, Georgia that we planned a...
One of the great things about Istanbul is its centuries old Ottoman architecture. And you can find some of the...
The region of Cappadocia in Turkey has without a doubt become a top travel destination. Even if you’ve never heard...
If you ever stepped foot on Instagram and perused travel interests, there’s a good chance you saw hot air balloons...
Baku, Azerbaijan is a fascinating city taking its culinary cues both from international inspiration and regional delicacies. You can find...
A road trip through Jordan is one of the ultimate ways to experience this beautiful country. Jordan is rich with...